sábado, outubro 23, 2010

NOSSO AMOR - Volume 01

Título: Volume 01
Gravadora: EMI
CD Nº: 472600 2
Ano: 1998

01 - Wigman
_ The Magnetic Sounds
02 - Lovely Love
_ Terry Winter & Silvia Massari
03 - Somewhere In Time
_ Eduardo Assad
04 - She´s My Girl
_ Morris Albert
05 - F... Comme Femme
_ Gilbert
06 - Ballade Pour Adeline
_ The Magnetic Sounds
07 - Passion Love Theme
_ Eduardo Assad
08 - Our Love Dream
_ Terry Winter
09 - Conversation
_ Morris Albert
10 - Song For Anna
_ The Magnetic Sounds
11 - Un Été 42
_ M. Legrand
12 - Blade Runner
_ Vangelis
13 - Caruso
_ Luccio Dalla
14 - Ancora
_ F. Migliaci - C. Mattone
15 - Don´t Cry For Me Argentina
_ The Magnetic Sounds
16 - Moonlight Serenade
_ The Magnetic Sounds
17 - Feelings
_ Morris Albert
18 - The End
_ Al Grant
19 - Concerto Pour Un Été
_ Ronald Lark
20 - Tell Me Once Again
_ Light Reflections

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